Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What is it Like to Have No-Scar Breast Implant Surgery-Part 3

Here you are out of surgery and in the recovery room, waking up. Will you be in pain? Odds are, you’ll wake up smiling. Most patients ask, “Are we done yet?” You shouldn’t experience any pain. Typically, you will have a slight feeling of the weight of the new implants. You will probably also feel a sensation of tightness. With the light sedation, you’ll probably need only 20-30 minutes before you are fully awake and ready for your ride home.

Your local anesthetic (remember that the local was given internally?) will last for your ride home so that you can settle in and get comfortable. On the evening after surgery, the local anesthetic will wear off. At this point, you can have some pressure and discomfort in the chest area, and perhaps some in the abdomen (from the belly button incision and tubes). You will have pain medication to take for relief from any soreness. Everyone has a different pain threshold, but the pain medication should offer plenty of relief. You might also experience some feelings of nausea for a couple of days as a side effect of anesthesia. If your surgery was performed under the light sedation, this is less likely.

As recommended by Dr. Yoho, you will be resting in the recovery area that you prepared in your home ahead of time. Your recovery area might be in your bed or in a recliner with several fluffy pillows to support and keep you elevated. You will also have bottled water, your post-op medications, your mobile phone, remote controls, books, a laptop, and some light food. All of the items that you need are within easy reach—possibly even a bell to call any friends or family members who are helping you to recover at home.

You will need to be patient for a while, because for a few days you will not be able to bend over, raise your arms, or get out of bed with ease. Dr. Yoho has also instructed you not to lift anything for the first few weeks. Many TUBA patients feel okay within a day, and others within a few days. But everyone is different and you should listen to your body. Your recovery should go smoothly if you follow Dr. Yoho’s instructions for post-operative patients. Since your consultation, you know that the best breast augmentation surgery recovery happens for patients who take good care of themselves and follow their surgeon’s instructions.

The day after surgery, you will return to Dr. Yoho’s office. Your dressings will be removed in this follow-up appointment. After that, Dr. Yoho will still be available to answer any questions or address concerns, and his office will follow up with you. During the healing phase over the next few weeks, you will experience many changes. Don’t panic. Common experiences include: an increase, decrease, or loss of sensitivity; hot or cold sensations; pins and needles; or you might even hear crackling under the skin. Less commonly, you might see bruising of the breasts, your breasts might appear pointed, asymmetrical (different sizes), flat, too big, too small, too high or too low. These conditions might be normal for your surgery. You will need to be patient with these changes, but if you feel concerned, call Dr. Yoho’s office.

If you had sub pectoral implants (under-the-muscle), your recovery might be a bit longer or more intense, but should result in a smoother appearance of your breasts. With under-the-muscle breast implants, you might have more soreness, muscle tension, or spasms in the upper back, and the pressure of the muscles might cause the breasts to look constricted. These recovery symptoms will not last long, but the muscles will need to heal from the trauma of surgery before they heal to a normal look and feel. Again, you can call Dr. Yoho or his staff at any time. After recovery, you will get used to your breasts and they will continue to improve in look and feel.


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